Monday, July 27, 2009

As a wannabe celebrity, should I change my name to Angry Buffalo and dye my hair green? Tongue pierc

Of course my new name could be Marvelous Mongoose (with fire engine red hair). Which one do you prefer? Which one would be more likely to get me on American Idol?

As a wannabe celebrity, should I change my name to Angry Buffalo and dye my hair green? Tongue piercing?

Either of these "personnas" will do

you will become VERY famous --- at least in some places near where you live !! But, your best shot at TV will be on American Idiot -- not quite what you were shooting for here !!

Stay away from the simple name Buffalo, though

that belongs to ME and I'll come get it back if I have to !!

That sound angry enough for you ??

As a wannabe celebrity, should I change my name to Angry Buffalo and dye my hair green? Tongue piercing?

Neither. Both of those names are lame. Just be yourself... that's what people like nowadays... not fakeness

As a wannabe celebrity, should I change my name to Angry Buffalo and dye my hair green? Tongue piercing?

why do you have to be an animal?

go with your most natural style, best to be comfortable in your skin.

As a wannabe celebrity, should I change my name to Angry Buffalo and dye my hair green? Tongue piercing?

what would make you most likley to be on American Idol is a good singing voice...

just a thought.

As a wannabe celebrity, should I change my name to Angry Buffalo and dye my hair green? Tongue piercing?

to get on American Idol you just need to be able to sing like an angel, I think if you "weird" yourself out they are more then likely to not accept you. I've not watched it a lot but they don't have the "wild" ones much past the tryouts

As a wannabe celebrity, should I change my name to Angry Buffalo and dye my hair green? Tongue piercing?

no because that's just disturbing. be yourself!

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