Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

Everyone used to be blonde, lindsay, britney, hilary, and now everyone has put het hair brown or black, but they look older! WHY? anyway no racis commentaries and no "because brunettes rule" or "men like blond" commentaries, please just tell me why you think this is happening lately... :-D

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

because that's what's on the runway.

and sometimes... well, to be honest, i think celebrities are a bit like sheep. one gets spooked, the others get spooked. one dyes their hair brown, the others dye their hair brown.

and celebrities influence other people who watch them.

take my peers, for example. i'm in eighth grade, and i can't even THINK about dying my own hair (think about the damage! i like my hair; it's sort of a chocolate brown color) but others around me are carelessly switching from redhead to blondie, from blondie to brunette. it's really annoying, actually, because i've already had about five girls come up to me and say "where did you dye your hair?"

i have straight hair too, and people ask me about that too. "where did you get your hair straightened?" i almost wanna scream, "i DIDN'T get it straightened, alright!? has it ever occured to you that maybe this was what I was born with!?"

sorry i went a bit off-topic.

so i guess my final answer for your question is...

because society has made it this way. as i told you, they're like sheep. they'll follow the runway, they'll follow their friends, but they don't like to do anything original themselves. and when someone is brave enough to do so, the others follow, because they were too afriad to do it before someone actually did it.

frankly, i don't have a specific theory on why everyone's dyeing their brown and black lately, i guess they wanna look "sophisticated", but honestly...

don't change your hair color. don't get plastic surgery.

why change your appearance when that was what you were born with? has it ever occured to you that maybe that was the way you were supossed to be?

hope this helps and sorry about my rants...

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

They have nothing better to do

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

Think of fasion! Dark in autumn and winter, bright inspring and summer. Just like clothing!

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

To get back to their roots.

Because in Hollywood it's all about doing something different and the whole blond thing got played out.

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

I'm not sure why it became a huge trend all of the sudden, but it seems like everyone follows each other. My baby sister said that Hilary dyed her hair because of a movie, and then people think it is cool, so they follow it. I agree totally. Also, it is a more wintery color, so that could be another reason. Oh, another thing could be that movies lately have been very biopic, so that could be a main reason why alot of women are going with a more 'natural' color.

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

Hmm... Good question. Maybe they would like to try out the "asian look" at the moment since blondes are commonly seen and nowadays... asian like to do their hair blonde...

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

I think it has something to do with them wanting to appear more serious lol which is ridiculous but I've noticed also theyre all going for the darker look....and I like it

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

it's the same as when every one was dying their hair blonde at one point.....they may think that brunette or darker hair is more sophisticated and exotic! i think that since stereotypes exist that people take darker as opposed to blonder haired people more seriously...not that it is right though!....just a guess though

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

I've seen many young (or new) artists go blond (even males) when they "break out." It's a tactic to attract young males, IMO. But once established, they can go dark. -or- they get tired of fake dry straw on their heads.

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

Celebrities have been waxing/waning with the blond/brunette....Madonna started it over a decade ago...Christina Aguillera about 5 years ago....Britney has gone back with each pregnancy (because the bleach isn't good for the baby)It also has "roots" with the goth culture.

I think it's called an "emotional rescue"

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

Want a change you get tired of having the same color why they all changed there color at the same time who knows

Why all celebrities and everyone dyes their hair brunette lately?

Because that's the current trend. Don't worry though. Like history, trends repeat themselves and we will see blondes become popular again at some point. Being a brunette myself I'm happy with the change. Not saying brunettes rule or anything like that. I just happen to look horrible as a blonde. BTW, being a brunette doesn't make everyone look older. It can actually be very flattering, sometimes much more so than blonde on some people.

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